ID. Volkswagen, just electric.

Our ID. models mark the start of a new era of electric mobility; intelligent, innovative and sustainable. And above all; for everyone. Because a new idea can only make a difference when everyone can be part of it.

Electric becomes affordable

By launching ID., Volkswagen makes electric driving available to the many and the millions. The ID. Family offers driving solutions at the price point of a comparable car with a combustion engine – because no game-changing idea is for the better, unless everyone can become a part of it.

A woman in half profile leaning against the ID. Crozz and the ID. Crozz from above in profile in motion.

A new range

The all-electric Volkswagen ID. Family puts new milestones in reach for everyone. Literally. Thanks to fast-charging batteries with a continuous driving distance of 550 km smooth travelling is ensured whilst switching to local zero CO2 emissions driving.

The Concept Cars of our ID. Family offer everything that you can expect from the future of mobility: they are electric, efficient and locally emission-free – and thus provide a solution for our ever increasingly mobile and urban society.

The electrifying ID.4

The ID.4 keeps you ahead. Comfortably drive to the office in the morning, go to the gym beforehand and head off on a weekend trip with everything you need after work – it’s no problem for this power-charged SUV. The 1ST model is available with a battery with 77 kWh net battery capacity and a customer-oriented range of up to 498 kilometers (WLTP tested).