volkswagen corporate information

Corporate Information

Established in 1946, Volkswagen Group South Africa is a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen Aktiengessellschaft (VWAG) in Germany. It is the largest German investment in South Africa and is a major contributor to foreign direct investment, technology transfer and skills development. Volkswagen Group South Africa is located in Uitenhage, an industrial town some 35 km from Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape.

Volkswagen transforming lives

Transforming the lives of all South Africans.

Volkswagen Group South Africa strongly believe that job creation and skills development fuel economic prosperity, that’s why for generations we have tried to lead transformation in the lives of all South Africans.

 Our first priority is to build a strong and successful business that protects and creates jobs within Volkswagen and our broader family of suppliers and franchised dealers. As a multi-national corporation, Volkswagen has a strong commitment to boost foreign direct investment in South Africa and promote the transfer of world-class technology, knowledge and skills. Hundreds of Volkswagen Group South Africa employees at all levels have received training at Volkswagen plants throughout the world.

volkswagen CSI

Volkswagen CSI 

Volkswagen South Africa are passionate about investing local communities, fostering independence and taking control of their futures.

volkswagen compliance

Integrity & Compliance

Volkswagen South Africa remains commited to integrity and to compliance with statutory provisions worldwide.  

Volkswagen remains in pole position 
in areas such as:



If you’re career-driven and seeking a job at Volkswagen Group South Africa, then you’re in the right place.

Volkswagen BEE certificate

Volkswagen Group
South Africa.