Mastercars Financial Services Insurance
Financial Cover
You’ve got your new Volkswagen and now all you need to do is insure it. Volkswagen Financial Services has got you covered with the best possible protection for your car. Our comprehensive range of insurance products eases the pain when the unexpected happens, giving you peace of mind and value for money. As a Volkswagen owner, you qualify for our insurance products. Signing up is easy – all you have to do is visit your nearest Volkswagen dealership or fill in a contact request form and we’ll get back to you with a quote.
Disclaimer: Volkswagen Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider NCRCP6635. Our insurance products are underwritten by:Volkswagen Comprehensive: Auto & General Insurance Company Ltd, Reg. No. 1973/16880/06Credit Protection Plan: The Hollard Life Assurance Company Ltd, Reg. No. 1993/001405/07All other products: The Hollard Insurance Company Ltd Reg. No. 1952/003004/06
Comprehensive insurance cover
Comprehensive and affordable motor insurance available from Volkswagen Financial Services. Give your car the best coverage with a Volkswagen Comprehensive Insurance policy that is hassle free and designed to give you peace of mind and value for money.
Customer protection plan
Insurance isn’t just about protecting your car. Protect yourself and your family and let us take care of your vehicle finance in the event of death, permanent disability or temporary disability, the diagnosis of a dread disease or even retrenchment.This policy ensures that your monthly vehicle instalments are taken care off (fully or in part) in the following circumstances.
Volkswagen Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider NCRCP6635. Our insurance products are: Volkswagen Comprehensive Insurance: underwritten by Auto & General Insurance Company Ltd, Reg. No. 1973/16880/06, an Authorised Financial Services Provider Customer Protection Plan: underwritten by Hollard Life Assurance Co. Ltd (Reg No 1993/001405/06), an Authorised Financial Services Provider.
All other products: underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Limited (Reg No 1952/003004/06), an Authorised Financial Services Provider.
Volkswagen Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider. NCRCP6635.
Disclamier: The information on this website is updated daily. Although we endeavour to ensure that the information is accurate, errors may occur. In addition, due to the high volume and frequency of access to the website, the vehicle you're looking at may have someone else interested in it at the same time as you, or it may already have been sold by the time you contact the seller. It is therefore essential that you verify all details relating to the vehicle with the seller.Prior to entering into any agreement arising from the information provided on this website, please ensure that the products reflected are available and meet your individual requirements.The information on this website is subject to change without notice.